Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Justice at Limestone Mountain Farm!

I cannot give adequate expression to how I felt when the lovely heifers, acquired through the efforts of Ron Gargasz, from McKean Brothers Angus, arrived from Pennsylvania. Just the day before, Bland Fencing had quickly and professionally completed the division of the lower field into three paddocks, so as to make the best use of the pasture through rotational grazing. Dad's old friend from WVU and my caretaker, Silas, had helped with the re-design of the paddock layout and it had all come together.
The heifers are four sweet-hearted animals--calm and with lovely dispositions. Collectively, they have now become known as "The Limestone Girls." In lieu of their long ID#s, they have been individually named Faith, Hope, Charity, and Justice. Faith and Charity are the most sociable of the four, and were soon eating grain from my hand...Hope's quiet and smaller, and so named because I hope she grows a bit...and, finally, Justice is magnificent.
It took four of us to guide them into the pasture on Monday, May 25th, but from then on I was able to move them singlehandedly from paddock to paddock. They are just so sensible and intelligent! Above, here, is Justice...
...thanks to my brother Jim for all his help, and the loan of his camera...more pics soon.
While going over the pastures, snipping away at those pesky multi-flora rose intruders, I found a nice surprise: patches of alfalfa, from when my father had seeded that legume way back in the '70s...persistence, eh?

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