The icy rain today had me longing--everyone longing--for the sun and promise of spring and summer - le printemps ici, at my not-quite-working-yet farm. I also harvested, in that cold rain, some more spinach...a brief post today, and on to a salad of that spinach, purple cabbage, carrots, and poppy seed dressing.
First frugal thoughts: un-think the consumer imperative. The economy's making many do this already, though the "wisdom" of the supposed experts seems mired in the discourse of trying to get everyone spending again....Perhaps the economy, like many a waistline in North America (including mine), needs to contract?
Think: every time the wallet/purse comes out: do I need this, or want it? Can I get by without? Can I make do? I will say that, although I've never been someone who enjoys shopping, when, in 2007, I had to HALT all but necessary consumption to be sure I could hold onto this land I love so much, I realized that, even for someone not self-identifying as a consumer I was surely attached to the thoughtless spending habit....more on this later. On to leftovers and some of that lovely spinach---which is not taken for granted, given that it's December, and I have made the commitment of, as much as possible, a 96 k diet that is seasonally organized... I do not buy such things at the store, in other words....until tomorrow,
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